With the supply chain in chaos, and so many conversations about food, this is a great time to help your family discover where food comes from. Harvest Hosts partners with 1,100+ farms to offer unique experiences for you and your family.
Here is what might happen during your food tour
Anytime we travel, we should expect to learn—and a food tour is no different. When we arrive at a farm, we should be inquisitive, as the host is eager to share their expertise.
1. Grow in your appreciation of the “farm to table” movement
The “farm to table” movement is a social movement focused on local sourcing of food products for restaurants. Many thought this was going to be a fad, but it has been around long enough that most people know it isn’t going anywhere.
2. Consider a food co-op at home
A food co-op—or food cooperative—is a food production system that is run by those who partner with it. Typically, it includes a farmer, or group of farmers, who grow food on behalf of those who fund it. In exchange, you get fresh produce and other goods for your home. This movement is growing as people increasingly desire to invest in local food production.
3. Your family will learn that food isn’t limitless
The balance between overeating and cleaning your plate is a difficult one. Either way, it is important for kids—and adults—to understand that food isn’t limitless. It is good to learn about and understand that foods have growing seasons. This understanding will make you appreciate everything that is done to get us our favorite foods year-round.
4. You will learn about what goes into your body
When we buy foods that are out of season, there is a good chance that they are processed to make them taste fresh. I am not advocating to stop eating anything that is processed. But I think it’s helpful for us to be aware of what’s in our food when it isn’t locally sourced.
5. The appreciation for your local farmers will grow substantially
Farmers are amazing people who go unnoticed at our dinner table. Many have a love for the dirt that provides their income, and your food. The hours and care they put into their land go unappreciated by most. By traveling the country, seeing their beautiful fields, and experiencing their lives, you will truly be thankful for what they do.
6. Learn to love food in a different way
Food is the centerpiece to many of our lives. Our holidays are often associated with the meals that go with them—Christmas cookies, holiday ham, Thanksgiving turkey. But food is so much more. It is the foundation to our health and well-being. It provides the essential nutrition we need for life.
What types of experiences can I have with Harvest Hosts?
The possibilities for new experiences abound with Harvest Hosts. Depending on the region of the country, your opportunities vary. But all across North America, you can do anything from picking berries to creating floral arrangements to milking goats.
1. Berry picking
The opportunities to go berry picking are—seasonally—limitless. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and more. There is nothing like eating fresh fruit, straight from the garden.
2. Stone fruit picking
Peaches, nectarines, plums, dates, and many other fruits are classified as stone fruits. Stone fruits are anything that have a “stone” or a large hard seed at the center. Picking fresh peaches with your family in Georgia, and having the juice drip from your elbow, is a memory that lasts a lifetime.
3. Milk goats
Kids are probably used to drinking cow’s milk. But did you know that 65% of the world’s population drinks goat’s milk? At several of Harvest Hosts’ partner farms, you and your kids can participate in something that people all over the world experience… drinking goat milk! Not only is goat milk consumed by the majority of the population, but it is used in many other products we consume in North America.
4. Alpaca farms
My experience at a New Mexico alpaca farm is one of my most memorable experiences. Getting to feed them, watch them protect the other farm animals, and even witnessing a classic alpaca spit was a great experience. One thing to remember at an alpaca or llama farm is that they view dogs as a threat. Be careful with your pups when you visit a farm like this.
How can Harvest Hosts help?
Harvest Hosts has set you up to learn about your food. With 1,100+ farms and 700+ wineries, there is a lot to learn—from the growers themselves—about what you consume on a daily basis. Once you sign up for your Harvest Hosts membership, you can begin planning your farm tour.
My personal experiences with Harvest Hosts has been very disappointing. The majority of hosts I contacted either did not respond to my calls or if they did, said they had opted out of the program. In addition to this I had to a yearly fee to find out the program was a big let down.