Thanks, Tom and Connie!
During the Northeast Area Rally in Syracuse, New York, I had the honor of thanking Tom Ziobrowski for the four years he served FMCA as national vice president, Northeast Area. He and his wife, Connie, have worked very, very hard to move the area ahead in a positive manner. I also introduced Barbara Smith, the new national vice president, Northeast Area, to the crowd. I’m sure she’ll do a great job of continuing to work toward increasing participation in the area’s chapters and in area activities.
On the opening night of entertainment during the rally, a large thunderstorm whipped through the area. The wind started to pick up, the tent started to become unstable…and we all had to evacuate!!! First time experience of having to abandon a tent performance.
I Scream, You Scream…
FMCA members love ice cream, and so do I! I also love dipping it and serving it to our members, which I was able to do during the Northeast Area Rally in Syracuse, New York. FMCA national treasurer John Reynolds and his wife, Jayne, stepped in to help as well. National senior vice president Rett Porter also was very busy dipping ice cream, while his wife, Claire, worked at the chapter fair, which was going on at the same time as the ice cream social. I will note that the ice cream in Syracuse is almost as good as the Graeter’s ice cream I enjoy when I visit the FMCA national office in Cincinnati. As I crisscross the continent, I enjoy comparing the taste of the local churned ice creams. Oh, the life on the road!
Come join us…and remember, it really is all about having fun!
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Hey out there in digital country. How about a comment or two
I LOVE ice cream! Looks like y’all had a great time. 🙂
We had a great time. FMCA members LOVE ice cream. With you were there.
Hope to see you sometime soon!!
Hey Jon, when at SEA enjoy our famous “Dilly Bar!”