No matter if you’re new to camping or a seasoned vet these RV gadgets are ones you don’t want to get caught traveling without. More than just a list of accessories these gadgets have saved us during rough times. (Trust me we learned a few lessons the hard way)
30 Amp Converter
Traveling with a 30-amp converter may just save your camping trip. There have been times when we have booked last minute spots that did not have 50-amp hookups or the 50-amp pedestal was not working and thankfully we had this as back up and we’re still able to have power.
Sewer Hose Extension
All RV sites are not the same or created equal. Having an extra sewer extension can save you the headache of parking your RV, unhitching, and realizing that the site you’re at is set up strange or frankly you maybe just did a bad park job, and your sewer hose doesn’t quite reach to the sewage hole. Don’t get caught in a crappy situation (literally) and do yourself a favor and buy the extension piece.
Extra Long Water Hose
You never know when you’ll be in a situation where you need to fill your RVs fresh tank and the nearest water spigot is just out of your standard hose’s reach. Having an extra-long water hose has saved us numerous times while boondocking and surprisingly even at full hook up spots.
Surge Protector
You don’t want to get caught without this or go the cheap route. In the event of a power surge, burnout or improperly wired sites that can cause severe damage and even set a fire to your RV. An EMS Surge Protector will give you peace of mind knowing your protected and save you costly damages.
Water Pressure Regulator
Water pressure at RV sites can change so drastically. It only takes one time for the park’s water pressure to burst your hose. Not using a water pressure regulator puts your RV at risk for flooding which can lead to mold problems. This simple gadget can save you thousands in water damage repairs.
Portable Tank
Some of the most beautiful RV spots have no hook ups or only partial hook ups with no sewer. Being able to have a portable tank allows you to enjoy amazing views while still having the luxury of being able to use your water less sparingly. Connecting it to your tow vehicle and dragging it to the dump station is also way easier than having to pack up your entire rig to drain the tanks.
Air Compressor
Trust me you’ll be thankful you added this to your list. Tire health is so essential and often neglected. Having a tire pressure monitoring system and an air compressor handy is crucial in preventing a blowout and possibly ruining your RV trip all together. Not to mention the damage that blow outs can cause cosmetically. (Trust us we’ve had over $5k worth of cosmetic damage from a blowout)
After 3 years of living full time in our RV these are gadgets you won’t catch us without.
Happy camping!
Hi, I’m Amber. I’m a mom, Project Analyst, Content Creator, Lifestyle & Travel Blogger. Originally from Arizona, I am currently traveling the U.S. full time with my family in our RV. We are a retired military family of 4 who have been fulltime RV living since November 2019. When I am not working you can find me exploring the outdoors, visiting national parks, hiking, surfing, renovating our RV, and traveling. |
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